Primavera Preschool in Conjunction with First Existentialist Congregation
Our goal is to raise money under a fiscal partnership with our landlord, First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta. All donations will go towards upgrading the space we use and for improving our learning environment.
Care to donate money or a specific item? Check out our list of tax-deductible & non-exempt items below:
Non-Tax Deductible Items
Benefit Primavera by donating directly to Primavera -- for scholarships, teachers, books, supplies, etc. You can do this by clicking on the button below, which provides options/methods to donate via PayPal. Donors can specify that their gift is for scholarships, teachers, etc., or simply choose not to specify-- allowing Primavera to decide how each cash gift will be used. Donors will not receive tax-deductible receipts for this type of contribution.
To make a NON-TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution from our list, click on the button below:
Benefit Primavera by donating to First Existentialist Congregation -- for infrastructure improvements at First E (such as fencing, trees, tricycle oval, equipment for playground or garden, etc.) that will benefit BOTH Primavera and others who use the building and grounds. Donors can do this by clicking on the button below... and then clicking on the Donate to First E Icon...then by entering "Primavera Fund" (+ the item you'd like to contribute $ towards) on the Purpose of Gift line as well as general donation information. DONORS WILL RECEIVE A DONATION RECEIPT from First E for their taxes.
To make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution from our list, click on the button below: